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Term 2

Filling Out Forms


Filling out forms right is really important for most jobs, and that is why the first step for most jobs is to fill in an application form.


1. Watch this video about how forms are used in everyday work


How Well Can You Find Your Way Around Forms?

Forms can be confusing things. 


2.Try out this game to see how well you can find your way around forms? Try Easy first






3. Discuss as a PT group what you have learned by playing this game?


  • What clues in the question helped you find information more quickly?

  • Use the 'understanding forms' document to help you think about how forms are put together

  • Discuss common language used in forms and what they mean. Use the 'language used in forms' to help you





Filling out job Applications


Most places ask you to fill in a job application form when ask about a job.



Top tips for filling in job application forms well:

  • Check the colour pen they ask for first

  • Make a couple of photocopies of the form to practice on, and practice filling it out before you complete the proper form

  • Then fill out the proper application in pencil first

  • Think carefully about the information that the form is asking for, and plan your answer when it asks for a long response

  • Write in capitals if it asks you to

  • Keep your writing as neat as you can

  • Check your spellings carefully


4. Download and print off this application form. Practise filling it in correctly and neatly. 

When you have completed it. Show and discuss it with your PT.






Weeks 17-18: One to Ones & First Steps Applying for Jobs or Work Experience 


One to Ones continued


Whilst undertaking one to ones all learners can follow the work below



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