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Term 1
November & December

Week 10: Your One to One Review and British Values

One to One tutorial time gives you time to think about how you are getting on at College.



Week 10 British Values

Your tutor will make time for you to have a one to one interview in tutorial time for these three weeks. Whilst this is happening, you will study about British Values. In 2011 The Prevent Law asked that all students understand what British values mean.





1. Prepare a powerpoint slide with 5 images and 5 phrases which best describe what it means to be British.


2. Compare these with your group - what things are similar, what things are different? How would you describe to a foreigner what being British means?


The important part of being British is that we all can vote in elections.


We vote for people to become Members of Parliament (MPs)  in London or Assembly Members (AMs) in the Senedd in Cardiff .  












3. Find out who represents you in Parliament (your MP) and also in the Senedd in Cardiff (your AM)


Who is your local MP? Have a look here


Who is your local AM? Have a look here



Have you ever met either of these people? Do you know what political party they belong to?


4. Do a Google search to find what you can about your local MP and your local AM and the political party they represent.



Being British means that all laws have to be passed through Parliament and all the MPs have a vote on it. The law will only be passed if over half the voters agree with it.

  • What do you think of this?

  • Can you think of any countries where there is no system like this, where laws are brought in by one person or a group of leaders?


Your MP and AM may be able to help you if you ever have a problem which you can't get fixed. Every week they have an office in their local area and they hold a surgery there. It is usually on Fridays or Saturday mornings when they are not in London or Cardiff. You can book an appointment and speak with them about local issues or laws which affect you. You can also write to them about these things.



5. If you were going to see your MP or AM, make a list of the issues would you discuss with him about your community, local issues or laws which affect you? 


Things you might want to think about:

  • Cost of education

  • Jobs in your local area

  • The state of your local community

  • Council or benefits rules

  • Local policing

  • Community safety

  • The quality of education and schools

  • The quality of local NHS services








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