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Personal Tutor





As a Personal Tutor you should emphasise the importance of confidentiality concerning personal information and discuss this with students during induction.


You should also point out that there are limits on confidentiality when information must be reported such as:


when you believe that a student under the age of 18 or a vulnerable adult has been the victim of incest, rape or abuse.


In these instances the matter MUST be reported to the Safeguarding Officer:


  • When a student needs hospitalisation whilst at College or on a College activity/trip. In this case information MUST be shared with the medics in attendance. For students less than 18 years of age or vulnerable adults, parents/guardians must also be informed that the student requires hospitalisation or has been taken to hospital. 


  • When information is made an issue in a Court actionTutors will be required to share information with the Court if requested. 


  • When students threaten suicide. In such cases the information must be shared with the student’s next of kin. It is important that the student is encouraged to seek medical help from his/her G.P. A College suicide first aider may also be contacted for advice, guidance and assistance. 


  • When students pose a danger to others. The Director MUST be informed so that he/she can ensure appropriate actions are undertaken to ensure the safety of others.

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