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Term 1 - October

Week 6: Stress Management 


Aim of the session:

The aim of this group session is to raise your awareness of stress, to promote stress management techniques and to provide information on agencies and individuals in and out of college who can assist if needed.


What is stress?

Stress is the feeling of being under too much pressure. It often results from the combination of too many different pressures building up without us noticing.


It is normal to feel anxious from time to time in situations which we see as threatening to us, like taking an exam or going into hospital. Stress at certain levels can even be helpful in some situations where we need to perform well or cope in an emergency.


What causes stress?

Different situations can cause stress in different people. Some of the most common situations which students say are stressful are:-


  • Meeting deadlines

  • Exams

  • Pressures of combining paid work and study

  • Debts

What other situations do you think are stressful?


Signs of Stress:

While everyone experiences stress the signs and symptoms are sometimes difficult to recognise. It is useful to know what the signs are to think about ways of helping this situation.


Task 1: In pairs or in a small group discuss what you think are the common signs of stress.


Feedback to the group



Managing Stress:

Short periods of stress are normal and can often be resolved by something as simple as completing a task, talking to others and taking time out to relax.


Task 2: In your group brainstorm the ways in which you have coped with stress in the past and how these have been helpful.


Feedback to the group


Tips for Managing Stress:

These quick tips for managing stress should help you to work through it.


  • Evaluate each problem and keep it in perspective

  • Prioritise your time and what is really important

  • When you feel stressed get some exercise to calm down and clear your head

  • Ask for guidance and perspective from a friend, family member or someone else you trust


Other help:


There are some excellent books available on loan from the college library as part of the the Books on Prescription series which offer very valuable advice and support.


You might also find the following website useful -


Student Stress

The NHS Choices - Live Well site has lots of resources that can be beneficial -


Additionally, if you want to talk in confidence about issues which are making life stressful for you or you are having difficulty managing stress you could seek help from:-



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