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Term 1 - December

Week 14 - How to Stay Safe at Parties 

We all love to party but sometimes things can go wrong.


1. Read the following about staying safe at parties and develop a set of top tips  for young people to keep them safe at parties


Party Smart: How to Stay Safe While You Have a Good Time

Safety StrategiesHosting a PartySo you’ve decided to have a party? Parties can be a lot of fun! But sometimes things go wrong. You can prevent anything bad from happening by taking some simple precautions. Think about using some these easy tips:


  • Ensure you have some non-drinking guests co-hosting to keep an eye on things

  • Don’t use glass; instead provide paper or plastic cups

  • Make sure lots of food is available for your guests

  • Provide lots of non-alcoholic drinks

  • Keep emergency phone numbers handy (eg. taxi, police)

  • Be aware of what’s going on at all times and ask your guests to look out for each other

  • Ensure that none of your guests are driving home after drinking

  • A large number of fire deaths are caused by unsafe use of candles, or by people cooking or smoking while intoxicated. Unless it’s necessary, avoid any activities that could put yourself, your family, or your friends at risk of being hurt in a fire

  • Don’t advertise your party over the internet or post flyers to avoid unwanted guests from crashing your party Try to have only one entrance if possible to control who enters the party


Heads up – Take Care of Yourself TooIf you are going out drinking, it’s easy to prevent something unpleasant from occurring. Just ensure you do the following:Never leave your drinks unattended

  • Make sure you see your drinks being opened or poured

  • Choose a buddy that you trust, and watch over each other

  • Avoid activities where your (and others’) safety requires you to be alert and focused (eg. boating, driving)

  • Don’t trust your own judgement about whether you’re ok to drive; if you’ve been drinking, you are not an accurate judge of your abilities. Play it safe, and if drink, DON’T DRIVE

  • Never get a ride with someone who has been drinking, taken any drugs, or is really tired

  • Have a cell phone with you so that if you need help, you can call a friend or parent to come pick you up


Discuss these top tips as a  group.



What kinds of risks are there when you lose control from being too drunk?



Check the facts about drinking


Learn how to make a change








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