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Term 1
November & December

Week 12: Your One to One Review

Your tutor will make time for you to have a one to one interview in tutorial time for these three weeks. 

Weeks 12 British Values continued - the Prevent Laws

The law in 2011 asks all colleges and schools to make sure that all students understand British Values.

This session looks at the British values of:


  • the rule of law

  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs




The Rule of Law


Britain has a strong legal system. Togther laws and how they are enforced, is known as the rule of law.


How do these elements fit together?

  • the police

  • lawyers and the courts

  • prison system


Have a go at this powerpoint quiz to see how much you know about our legal system.



Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


Watch this video of the poem British by Benjamin Zephaniah. 


You can see the words of the poem here



What do you think Benjamin is saying about:



What point is he making about tolerance?



What are the good things about living in a 

place where there are lots of different cultures?


What examples can you think of around the world

where people haven't been tolerant of other 

cultures and faiths? What happened?


Why do you think it's important for us to

teach young people about this?



Some young people become extreme in their views and want to act violently towards others. Examples include  people who become involved in far right groups, violent campaigners for animal rights and muslim extremists (boys and girls) who try to  go to Syria.  Often these young people are influenced, even groomed online. This is called radicalisation. They access social media sites and become very extreme in their views.


If you feel that this is happening to you, or if you are worried about a friend who you think is being influenced by extreme views, please contact Student Services and the safeguarding team. Here's a button below you can use.








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