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Teaching Takeaways

Use these teaching takeaway sharing activities to inspire you away from the powerpoint slide with pre-written learning objectives.

Share clear learning objectives focussed on skills development


 Underneath the learning objectives are small learning targets (also called outcomes) which need to be:

  • clear and in learner language

  • focussed on the learning and the skill (NOT the content) and are reviewed at the end of the session

  • linked to success criteria (which should be assessment related) and which the learners understand clearly




Missing Words

Give the learning outcomes but miss out the key terms and ask the students to identify what the key terms will be.

Work with learners to agree learning targets and success criteria

3 Questions We Really Want Answering

Encourage students to start the lesson by generating three questions that they really want to ask about the learning outcome(s). Collect these together as a class and allocate the questions to pairs of students to answer and share.

30 Second Briefings

Students work in pairs giving each other a 30 second briefing on the learning objective – what it means, how I can be successful. Give each of the student time to prepare for the briefing – one minute to write down all I know about this learning objective beforehand. Once they have briefed each other, they have to give a joint, one minute briefing to another pair.

use this tool to create 9 learning targets and get learners to prioritise them into a diamond nine. Review the original choices at the end of the learning to see if their views have changed.

This is a great way to get students to engage with a concept as they have to understand the definition of a key term.

Red Herring Learning Outcome

Why not stick in a red herring learning outcome, and get learners to work out which outcome is not part of the learning.

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Enables learners to ask and generate questions

Make sure your students really understand what the command or trigger words ask them to do.

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Tools to Help Share  and Generate Learning Objectives


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