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Teaching Takeaways

Use these teaching takeaways to aid higher level learning

Use these activities to Really Challenge and stretch your learners further


 Stretch and challenge activities use the thinking skils of connecting learning and pushing learners to create new ideas, to problem solve and to evaluate 



Peer explaining has one of the most powerful effect sizes to grades identified by Hattie. Have a go. Peer explaining helps active listening and also helps you to evaluate what learners have learned and check for gaps.



Also, why not use this part of the session to do the taught input, taking ideas further with a video or a presentation?

Assessment for Learning

Activities which get learners to think and challenge each other

Digital Challenges

Use these digital tools to develop stretch and challenge

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Peer Editing

One of the key ways that learners learn writing skills effectively is to have them working together on written answers to questions. Learners can really be engaged when they check each others' answers/ skills/ techniques and discuss together the best points and areas for further development.

Use this resource to help learners identify targets to improve the content and structure of their written work

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Get learners to take photos of practical work and use this tool to create and present a reflection of their learning. Photo peach enables learners to create a slide show which can be embedded into any website and can be shared on social media e.g. google communities. Try it!

Google apps

by using google docs, including forms, google docs and google communities, you can get learners to input their ideas and to generate questions they still have about the topics they are studying

get learners to create their own videos of their learning

get learners to generate their own questions

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