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Term 1 - September

Activities Fests

Make this year, the year you join a club, learner a new skill or try something new. 

Why not lead an activity and start a club, this is a great way to add to your personal statement!


Come along to our Activity Fest to find out more.

Week 2: Class Rep Elections & Initial Action Plans 
Get Involved - see the student intranet

Do you want to make a difference to the College?

Why not get involved in our student voice activities?


  • Learn how you can help other students to have their voices heard by becoming a class rep for your PT group.​

  • Discuss as with your PT what student voice activities are and how you can get involved.


The main duties of a Class Rep are:

·  To register their own details following their election as Class/PT Rep.

·  To attend Class Rep Training (free refreshments provided)

·  To attend Big Class Rep meetings (free refreshments provided)

·  To check their college Gmail account weekly in the Group Tutorial and ensure they pass on any relevant information to their class mates

·  They will be requested to participate in the running of the Fresher’s Fair, commencing the week of 25th September (helpers will receive vouchers for various high street shops…further details to follow)





Next Steps - applying to University 



Did you know that you can apply to do a whole range of degree courses here at Coleg Cambria? Our degrees are validated by 

some top universities so you can do your degree whilst still living at home and your degree will be awarded by that university.


Here are some of our degree level courses available:


Swansea University:

Applied Business Management

Advanced Manufacturing

Aeronautical Engineering


Aberystwyth University:


Agriculture and Business

Early Childhood Studies



Chester University:

Sports Coaching

Leisure and Fitness

Criminal Justice and Offender Management

Health and Social Care


Some of these degrees can be applied for directly without applying via UCAS. To find out more, please contact Student Services.






If you are applying for medicine, dentistry, veterinary science or for Oxford or Cambridge courses you will need to have completed your UCAS application, personal statement and paid online. Speak with your Personal Tutor about this immediately.


  • Remember that the most prestigious universities are part of the Russell Group - it may be worth considering these if you feel that you can get the entry grades required.

  • Discuss course options and careers with your Personal Tutor

  • You will need the details (as below) for five university choices.

  • Please use Proportal to make a note of the courses you are choosing, under UCAS reference, this will help your course tutors tailor their course reference to the courses you are applying for.


Unless you are applying for Art and Design course which has a later UCAS deadline of March, you need to apply using UCAS by October half term. This includes paying online to UCAS for the application. The College can only process the application once the payment is made.



Completing Your UCAS Application Form


Completing Your UCAS Application Form


Get your Buzzword from your Personal Tutor, also available from Student Services and the Learning Zone.



Now start to fill in your application on UCAS   


You will need to register


Things you’ll need for the application form:














Developing Your ILP


You've got lots of important pieces of information about your learning so far:


  • How well you did in year 1 of your course, including your study habits, motivation, attendance etc

  • Your progress in developing your skills  (literacy and numeracy)

  • Your barriers to learning

  • What you need to do to improve this year

  • What you want to achieve at the end of the course and what your next steps will be, i.e. university, apprenticeships, a full time job




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